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5 Safety Tips for Female Solo-Travelers

Writer's picture: GlobeSisters TeamGlobeSisters Team

Updated: Feb 10, 2023

Many women are often challenged with the idea of traveling by themselves, as all the potential dangers can easily make you second-guess your travel decisions. We understand the barriers that women often face when traveling, but we want to help prevent them from blocking your opportunity to explore the world! At GlobeSisters, we want all women to feel empowered when traveling. With our connections with locals and our passion for developing host-traveler relationships, we are working to create a safe travel community for women!

Safe women solo traveler

We want these safety tips to serve as a precautionary and preventive tool. We hope that you will not be in a dangerous scenario where these tips would need to be utilized, but if such a situation arises, you will be better prepared by overviewing these tips:


1. Share Your Location With a Trusted Friend

  • This can be a simple way to provide emergency information in any case scenario it may be necessary.

  • It is better to be safe and have your location available than to regret not doing so when you are in need of someone to help track you.

  • This takes little time and effort. Sharing your location takes seconds, especially if you have a smartphone.

  • Share with as many or as few people as you feel comfortable with, but I would recommend having an agreement with at least one person you can trust.

  • If you are staying with a host, having your location shared with them can be beneficial to make sure you get home safely.

  • If you are using a travel agency, work with the coordinator to make sure someone has your location to check up on you.

2. Find a buddy-system

  • You’re not alone. Many women would also like security when going into unfamiliar areas.

  • Services like GlobeSisters help match you with a like-minded individual who is more than qualified to take you around local hotspots.

  • If you are going off on your own, have a friend available that you can easily contact. This will alleviate anxieties and ensure that if you need emergency assistance that someone can immediately be contacted.

  • Let people know when you plan on leaving and returning from venturing on your own. If you are out for longer than originally planned, someone can contact you to make sure you are safe.

  • There is power in numbers, you are less likely to be targeted when there are people with you or who are wary of your whereabouts.

3. Avoid Exploring After Dark

  • Even if you aren’t alone, exploring at night isn’t always the best idea.

  • If you do decide to travel after dark, stay extra alert. You have limited vision after hours, so staying where there is access to lights, like main streets and busy attractions, can save you.

  • We understand the allure behind nightlife, but make sure you research hotspots before going out at night. There are often deceiving schemes and fraudulent scams that deliberately target tourists. This will ensure you are not even more vulnerable to these scenarios.

  • If you are going out after dark, try to go to populated areas. As we mentioned, there is power behind numbers.

  • Have access to mace or some sort of protection device in case you get approached by an unwanted stranger.

  • Have access to a flashlight (your phone is a perfect example!). This can also help if you need to navigate through narrow dark streets, but want to avoid those areas as much as you can!

4. Get to Know Your Surroundings

  • A study comparing juvenile and adult violent crime attacks found that 30% of all violent crimes committed by adults take place between the hours of 6 pm and 11 pm, and hit peak rates at 9 pm.

  • If you are staying with people you don’t know well when traveling, knowing your physical environment is very important

  • Always be aware of exit points when going into enclosed areas and have an escape route if needed.

  • Traveling often idolizes a destination, but you should not ignore any potential risks involved in any city. Some potentially dangerous situations may include fires, attacks, and extreme weather conditions.

  • If you plan to travel out in the public, know what areas of the town/city are more dangerous than others. There may be areas that are perfectly safe to explore by yourself and some that are not worth the risk. For example, here are some specific places in the city of San Francisco that you should avoid after dark.

  • Talking to locals and doing research can help you navigate the place you are traveling to. Connect with locals through platforms such as GlobeSisters to help curate an accurate and safe travel experience.

5. Carry a Small Emergency Wallet

  • If you are planning to leave the house you are staying at during your travels, bring an emergency wallet just in case you are put in a dangerous situation.

  • Keep a photo ID, insurance card, credit card, and spare cash inside.

  • Having these important resources in one spot is a good idea when you are living out of bags and migrating frequently.

  • These things take up little space and is always a good idea to keep on you in your bag or purse. Whatever you decide to put your wallet in, make sure it is secure and enclosed.

  • Keep paper currency available if you can. You don’t know if you are going to be in a situation where you need help but do not have any money to provide.

  • Consider also keeping your passport handy, especially if you are traveling internationally. If you are in a situation where you cannot return to your belongings, having the ability to travel back to your home is the least you can do to be safe.



Especially as a woman, we become increasingly vulnerable when in unfamiliar territory. We must acknowledge that our personal security may be at risk, but safety concerns should not be the reason we miss out on adventures that call to us. At GlobeSisters, we are passionate about making solo female travelers feel absolutely safe during their travels. We want to make sure that the “what if’s” do not stop you from following your dreams, but even minor preparation for emergencies will be something you will thank yourself for later. Find out more about our mission at



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