Mothers are IRL superheroes that come with a crazy kit of superpowers: instant lost-and-finder, lie detector, predicting the future, advanced multi-tasking, healing kisses, etc. They are so powerful that the international governments have decided to dedicate a day to them every year, usually on the second Sunday of May.
This year’s Mothers Day falls on Sunday, May 14, 2023, a weekend date that is super convenient for planning events to show how much we appreciate the awesome mothers of our world! But what exactly should you do to make it great and unforgettable for her? Fret not, because Globesisters has a list of 10 creative ideas to gift to your mother this year!
1. Globesisters subscription and flight tickets for a Mothers Day trip

Number one on our list takes advantage of the fact that Mothers Day is always on a weekend! If your mother is a globe-trotter or is too busy on other days to really travel, this is the opportunity to get her a Globesisters subscription and a ticket to somewhere fun and relaxing. These motivators are bound to get her out of her packed schedule and into a rewarding experience commemorating all of her hard work.
Globesisters has a network of homestay hostesses in the biggest locations in the United States and the community is ever-growing. If you and your mother are not able to see each other often over the year, a subscription to Globesisters allows her to embark on her own solo trip safely and equipped with resources to make this one of the most life-changing gifts you could give her. And of course, if your schedules align, you can travel together and have a great mother-child bonding experience!
If you’re unsure where the best place to take her is, we’ve got you covered with tips on traveling in Seattle, San Francisco, the Greater Bay Area, other amazing locations and road trips in the United States, beautiful global destinations, ultimate road trips in Europe, and much more!
2. Customized photo book/album with pictures of travel moments

Chances are she’s the one taking most of the pictures on family vacations. But if you flip things around and invite her on a trip before Mother’s Day, she’ll be especially blown away when you produce a collection of the best photos that you took of her in a customized photo book, showcasing your dedication and appreciation of her usually snapping camera.
Custom-made photo books/albums can be ordered from companies online or they can be created by your own craftsmanship. Individual photos are typically inexpensive to print out (Walgreens Photos is great for high-quality photo cards at a cheap price) and can be taped into a cute personalized scrapbook made by your own hands.
3. Custom calendar full of your bucket list of places you want to go together

On the same note as the custom photo book, you can also use your own selected pictures to create customized calendars. Although technology has been replacing physical calendars lately, it’s still a nice gesture to remind you and your mother of all the places you’ve been talking about going to. Motivation is all you need to get started on a trip and what better way to become motivated by revisiting a calendar decorated with plenty of destinations.
There are plenty of online resources where you can design and print your own personalized calendar to send to your mother, maybe even with important vacation dates highlighted. It’s the perfect way to set a goal for both of you to look forward to.
4. Customized jewelry with her name/initials/birthstone

Jewelry not only looks dazzling on her but also allows your mother to keep the memory of you close to her whenever she wears it. We recommend that you add your own flare rather than simply purchasing a necklace from the outlet store. Having her name or initials engraved on a necklace, bracelet, or earring makes it a piece of jewelry that she can’t find anywhere else and a true treasure. You can also select jewelry made of materials unique to her, like incorporating her birthstone.
5. Original artwork/sculpture/craft

If you’re an artist, your mother has most definitely seen your artworks with or without you knowing, no matter how much you try to hide them in embarrassment. So, rather than being discreet about it, show your artistic talent by creating an original art piece, sculpture, or craft made just for her.
Instead of purchasing pre-made cards from the store, make your own instead. Handmade cards are a great and easy way to convey your love through custom-drawn patterns, colored paper, and original phrases like inside jokes. There’s no better card for her than the one you’ve made yourself.
If you’re drawing, consider framing the art or having the dimensions be the size of her phone so she can save it on her home or lock screen.
6. Customized storybook featuring your mother

Now let’s say you’re a hardcore artist with a lot of time on your hands. You could illustrate an entire picture book featuring your mother if you wanted to (or even an animation if you’re up for it).
But really, anyone can take part in this amazing storybook project. Online websites that specialize in creating custom storybooks allow you to change the appearance and features of the characters to fit you and your mother, as well as give you several storyline options that resonate with your mother’s story the most. It can be a fantastical, realistical, whimsical, and, most of all, touching gift for her.
7. Handwritten book of letters to your mom

This gift takes time but the outcome is one of the most touching things she’ll ever receive. You can find plenty of Mothers Day prompts online and write letters to her based on those, or you can simply jot all of your thoughts down in one long piece, frame it, and give her that too.
The final product should be a booklet/journal of handwritten letters about or to your mother. Think of it as writing letters to your future self; you’ll most definitely be reading it later and maybe more than once. Mom won’t be able to stop revisiting this gift for a long time.
8. Customized song

If you’re a singer or have a passion for music in general, creating a custom song for her is another emotional gift she won’t forget. Writing the lyrics, determining the melody, and even composing the piece on an instrument takes an effort that is powered by mother’s love.
If you’re not a singer, you can still create custom songs based on lyrics that you input via online apps or websites. These will produce plenty of choices for you to select the best one to present to her, full of heartfelt words and messages from you. It’s also easy to surprise her with it; just play it nonchalantly in the car and watch her eyes grow wide as she listens.
9. Custom mug with her iconic quote

Is she a cat mom or a pup mom? Is there a phrase that she alone owns in the house? Any hilarious pictures that can be put on display?
These are all great ideas to put on the side of a custom mug made for her. Many online stores allow you to design your own mugs with original text, fonts of your choosing, full-on photo collages, meaningful artworks and symbols, colors, shapes, handles, so much! There’s a ton of things to have fun with here and the result is a conventional mug that she’ll always have every morning.
10. Event ticket

Sunday is a great day to take your mother out to see an event she’s always wanted to go to. You can get tickets to a sports game, rodeo, concert, spa day, movie/theater show, festival, comedy show, amusement park, car race, helicopter ride, national park tour, wine/food event, the list goes on depending on what she loves to do.
Don’t let Mothers Day creep up on you like your mother does when she’s catching you doing something you shouldn’t be doing. Take note of your interactions with her now; the best ideas are sparked from the daily errands and conversations that you take for granted but are actually authentic inspiration. Look for hints of things she’s wishing for or straight-up mentioned to you. Plan ahead and make time to prepare the ultimate surprise for Mom this year!